For some people, finding a single bed bug in the home might not seem like such a big deal. Well, after seeing what a single bed bug in the home could mean, you’ll likely change your whole outlook on the critter. One single bug could mean that you are dealing with a whole-home infestation, unfortunately, there are no two ways to go about it.
A small pest just about the size of an apple seed might not seem like a lot, but you’d be surprised at just how much havoc this little pest can wreak. One little speck of a pest might mean that you are dealing with a full-blown infestation. This means it’ll be time to bring in the professionals.
Professionals that have years and years of experience dealing with such situations. Reputable Atlanta, GA control companies have decades on top of decades of experience dealing with these little critters. They’ll know exactly where to start looking for an infestation as well as how to proceed if they do find signs. That being said, make sure you get several quotes before just deciding to go with the first company that you come across, even if they seem legit. Sometimes things are not always what they seem.
Why Just A Few Bugs Mean Big Problems
Most people are thinking, it’s just a few small bugs, what’s the big deal? Well, what you need to know about these critters is, they are not solitary creatures. They are extremely social, meaning if there is one around there are likely hundreds or thousands just lingering behind somewhere.
This is especially true if there is a female amongst the mix. A pregnant female is not only capable of rapidly laying eggs and producing offspring, but a single pregnant female can lay as many as 500 eggs in a single lifetime. That’s right 500 bugs!
Even when finding just one bug it makes sense to turn to a professional. Especially if that bug is potentially a female. Unfortunately, these bugs are hard to procure, but there is a way to distinguish females from males. The males have what look like pointed abdomens, while the females are round. Both are right around 7 millimeters in length so they can be easy to get mixed up.
Why Bed Bugs Are Hard To Spot
By this point, you’ve likely already discovered that bed bugs are stealthy pests. They are as thin as a credit card with reddish-brown bodies that can easily blend in with a lot of common items and backgrounds. It’s not common that people find them crawling across their floors. In addition to this, bed bugs will do what they can to avoid human contact.
To make things even worse, they usually only come out when you are sleeping. Whether that be at night or during the day, they’ll change their entire sleeping and living to match yours. People that are bitten are sometimes still unaware of infestations, and this is because not everyone reacts to the bites.
Confirm Your Infestation
Just because you spot and procure a little reddish-brown critter roaming around the home, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are dealing with bed bugs. You could be dealing with cockroaches, nymphs, carpet beetles, or even fleas, as they are commonly mistaken for bed bugs.
That being said bed bugs are oval-shaped, reddish-brown, and usually less than 10 millimeters in length. To be sure, it is best to turn to a professional. Just because a critter matches these criteria and has six legs with small, segmented antennas, it doesn’t necessarily mean you are dealing with bed bugs. It is likely, but not always a sure thing.
Common Signs Of Bed Bugs
Luckily, there are some common signs that you can keep an eye out for. These signs might mean that you are dealing with bed bugs.
Blood Stains – If you have rusty red stains on your bedsheets, it could mean that you have just recently been fed on. It could also mean that you rolled over and squashed a bug during feeding.
Exoskeletons – Nearly translucent, but still detectable you might find the skins of a bed bug in your bed if you look hard enough.
Eggs/Egg Casings – Eggs are only about the size of a pinpoint, but you might be able to detect them in your bed. If this is the case, you are certainly dealing with an infestation.
Fecal Matter – If bed bugs have been feeding, they’ll leave fecal matter behind. This substance can be detected by its distinctive look. It’ll usually appear in dark, black ink spots.
Bite Marks – Bite marks don’t necessarily mean that you are dealing with bed bugs, but it is a better indication than none. Most of the population reacts to bed bugs, so you’ll more than likely know if you have been feed on. These spots usually appear on the face, neck, arms, and hands.
Musty, Sweet Odor – Produced from the scent glands, you’ll sometimes catch an unpleasant, moldy smell when large populations of bed bugs are around.
Searching For Bed Bugs
Since bed bugs like to be close to their hosts, it only makes sense to start your search in the bedroom, particularly in the bed. Move the bed away from the wall, remove the sheet, the mattress, and the box springs. Get right down to the frame and start looking in all corners and crevices.
Turn all your bedding and pillowcase inside out just to make sure that you’ve covered your entire basis. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to stop just there. This only covers the bed, and bed bugs could be anywhere in the bedroom. You’ll want to check behind your baseboards, under carpets and rugs, in your clothing, in your nightstands, in electrical outlets, and just about every conceivable hiding spot, you can think of.
Calling In The Pros
If you do spot a bed bug in your bed there are a few ways you can proceed from there. You can wash your linens in hot water and then dry them on high heat. You can purchase and install bed bug encasements, but your very best option is to turn to professionals.
A professional with experience in the field will be able to guide you through the next steps. They’ll be able to tell you if you are dealing with an infestation and how to proceed from there.
Why Hire Us!
Our exterminators are licensed by the State of Georgia. They are fully trained in pesticide safety. We never treat occupied homes to ensure the highest level of safety for our clients and their families and pets.