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Carpenter Bees

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Professional Carpenter Bee Pest Control Atlanta GA

The carpenter bee is a member of the Anthophoridae family, Xylocopinae subfamily, and the Hymenoptera order. One of the smallest members of the Anthophoridae family is the Ceratina, which grows up to 6 millimeters in length. Unlike the Southern and Eastern carpenter bee, the Ceratina is known to boreholes in the stems of specific plant species to house its nest. Adult Eastern and Southern carpenter bees are approximately 0.5 (25.4 millimeters) larger than the Ceratina carpenter bee species.

Carpenter bees are oftentimes mistaken for the bumblebee, both of which are among the largest members of the stinging insect classification. Differentiating between the two bees is extremely difficult for first-time encounters. To differentiate between the bumblebee and carpenter bee, you must be close enough to examine the abdomen of both insects. The bumblebee’s abdomen is covered with fuzz while the carpenter bee has a hairless, glossy black abdomen.

Why Are Carpenter Bees Living In My Cedar Tree?

Carpenter bees are drawn to various species of trees – redwood, cypress, and cedar. In addition to these species of trees, carpenter ants are also drawn to decaying wood structures, such as tree stumps, downed trees, mailbox posts, deck railing, and porch posts.

If carpenter bees are infiltrating your property, it can be contributed to decaying wood or the insects’ favorite species of trees. What most people do not know about the carpenter bee is the female share her nests with other females.

Are Carpenter Bees Dangerous?

Yes, carpenter bees pose a danger to humans and pets, even if they are not a danger to the carpenter bees. Just passing the area where a carpenter bee nest is located will put you in grave danger. We do not recommend walking in the vicinity of carpenter bees or their nests. Unfortunately, carpenter bee nests are not always visible to the naked eye. Since the nest is hidden deep in bored holes, people and animals can pass them without knowing it, putting themselves in dire danger.

Carpenter bees structurally damage trees, but the level of damage is nothing compared to that of the insects’ biggest predator – the woodpecker. Woodpeckers have great hearing, allowing them to detect carpenter bee larvae as they are nestled deep in the bored holes created by the adults. Woodpeckers will peck away at the bored holes, hoping to have the carpenter bee larvae for lunch.

What Is The Most Effective Carpenter Bee Extermination Strategy?

Professional pest control is the best and most recommended extermination strategy for carpenter bees. Our professional carpenter bee strategy is designed to deliver 100 percent effectiveness in the fewest treatments possible. Our exterminators are fully trained in pesticide safety and licensed by the State of Georgia. We believe pesticide training is crucial for the safety of our clients and the environment.

The first step of our carpenter bee strategy begins with a visual inspection of the carpenter bee-infested property. Carpenter bees build their nests in older picnic tables, fence posts, abandoned buildings, wood shelters, and sheds, which is why our inspection begins here. Locating the carpenter bee nest is a crucial component of our professional pest control.

Can I Try DIY Pesticides Before Contacting An Atlanta Exterminator?

You can, but we do not recommend it. DIY pest control is not suitable for carpenter bee infiltration. We believe it takes great skill and the proper safety equipment to approach a carpenter bee nest safely. Even though carpenter bees do not colonize, females share the same nest. When more than one adult female is involved, the risk of being stung increases drastically. These solitary stinging insects are aggressive by nature. But, when provoked, the aggressive level can go out the roof.

Only the female has stinging capabilities that she rarely utilizes due to her timid demeanor. The male dies soon after mating and the female not long after her eggs hatch. The lifespan for a carpenter bee in controlled environments is about 365 days.

Do Carpenter Bee Insecticides Contain Chemicals?

Conventional pesticides and insecticides do contain chemicals that pose environmental and health risks to humans and animals. To minimize these risks, Atlanta exterminators partner with EPA-approved brands. All manufacturers are required by law to undergo the regulatory pesticide approval process set up by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA approval process is in-depth and may take several years to complete because it requires extensive testing to determine the potency, safety, and purity of pesticides.

We only invest in EPA-approved pesticides – eco-friendly, chemical-based, all-natural, and organic. We encourage our clients to get educated on the available pesticide formulas approved by the EPA. Eco-friendly pesticides do not contain chemicals, making them less harmful than chemical-based pesticides.

How Do I Request A Carpenter Bee Inspection In Atlanta?

Contact our Atlanta office via phone or email to submit your inspection request, which will take at least 24 hours to process, in most cases. Our customer support team is available five days a week and some weekends. Carpenter bee activity is at its highest in the late spring and late fall. The breeding season begins in late spring and preparation for overwintering begins in the late fall.

Overwintering is a dormant state that protects carpenter bees and other impacted insect species from extinction due to long-time exposure to the winter elements. By overwintering, carpenter bees are permitted to survive on minimal nutrients derived from stored fats. If the insects did not overwinter, they would be forced to store food to survive the winter or forage for food over the winter season. Overwintering allows carpenter bees to remain in their tunnels away from the winter elements.

How Can I Protect My Property From A Repeat Carpenter Bee Infiltration?

The only way to protect your property from carpenter bees in the future is by removing the structure that houses the nest. Carpenter bee females not only share their nest with other females but also return to the same nest each breeding season. So, removing the structure that houses the nest will deter carpenter bees from returning to your property the next breeding season.

We do not recommend approaching a carpenter bee nest until the adults are deceased.

If you have any other pest control issues please check out other services.

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