Bed bugs are not only known for being innate hitchhikers. They are also rather adept at hiding. This is why many homeowners miss the early signs of bed bug infestation, and before they know it, they are dealing with full-blown infestations, which is something no one wants in this day and time. That being said, the key to telling whether you are dealing with an infestation or not is knowing how to flush the critter out of hiding.
Bed bugs like to hide in all kinds of inconspicuous places that are rarely touched or disturbed like cracks, crevices, in bed frames, in wooden furniture, and even deep in your closets and nightstands. Simply put, these critters will nestle back into the farthest reaches of your home in places where you’d never think to look. This is why you must know how to flush them out of hiding.
Can’t Find Your Infestation? Here’s How You Can Flush Them Out!
Luckily, you don’t have to sit around and wait for bed bugs to show themselves. There are things that you can do to force them out of hiding. Here’s where you are going to want to start:
- Since bed bugs like to come out when you are sleeping, which is likely during the night hours, you’ll want to take full advantage. Once you discover where the bugs are coming from at night, you can then treat those areas with heat or steam.
- Next, you’ll want to move your bed away from the wall and install the necessary traps. Active traps like the BeapCo 6-hour CO2 trap are essential. These traps work similarly to traditional glue traps. What they do is, emit heat and CO2 for a total of six hours, attracting bed bugs. When bed bugs are attracted to the area, they’ll be trapped in the glue, where they’ll starve out and die. With this in mind, make sure that you evacuate the area while the trap is active because CO2 can be harmful to humans and pets.
You can install these traps or similar ones under the legs of your beds and furniture. It is heat and natural CO2 that bring bed bugs out when you are sleeping. The body naturally releases CO2 while you are sleeping. These traps imitate that scent.
- By this point, you’ve likely heard of steamer devices as well. These are excellent bed bug lures and are still utilized by many. While these traps are best utilized for attracting bed bugs in furniture and beds, you can also use them on walls and other areas of the home. The only thing is, the steam may not exactly penetrate into the wall, where the pest could be hiding. However, the heat, on the other hand, produced by the trap will make the bugs come out of hiding.
- Heat is really the best lure for bed bugs. This is because heat represents that a host is nearby. Bed bugs are studious critters and will stay a few meters from the heat, only coming out when they are ready to feed. This is where the beacon device comes in handy. The beacon has enough power to produce heat signals for up to two weeks. After installing this device, you’ll have two weeks of lure to attract nearby critters.
Just place them near areas where you think the bed bugs are hiding and it will slowly draw them out. Look for a list of common and uncommon hiding places for bed bugs before just blindly installing these devices throughout the home. When installed and left in place for two weeks you’ll know just what degree of infestation you are dealing with. With any luck, it will only be a minor infestation. Just don’t wait too long to tackle the problem because it will turn into a full-blown problem before you know it.
- Another great way to deal with bed bugs is by washing your clothes and bedsheets in hot water. After washing with the hottest water possible, you’ll want t dry the clothes and sheets on the highest heat possible. It is a well-known fact that bed bugs cannot stand up to specific amounts of heat. Once exposed to a certain amount of heat, bed bugs will dehydrate and dry up. The higher the temperature, the better the chances of killing the bugs, so go as hot as you possibly can.
Other Tools In Your Tool Belt
The fact of the matter is, it’s always best to utilize several different methods at one time when trying to lure bed bugs out of hiding. Most Atlanta, GA pest professionals will tell you this as well. The Surge is another tool available to homeowners. All in all, it works similarly to that of the heat trap. It simply emits heat to lure the bugs. Once the bugs approach and enter the trap, they are trapped in glue paper inside the surge.
The good thing about the Surge is that it comes available with 90-day refillable lures. Within 90 days, you can place this trap anywhere in your home or office where you think the bugs are hiding and it will draw them out of hiding and into the glue paper. Keep in mind, you can also rotate the trap to various locations. Although, it would be recommended to leave the trap in one location for at least a week before moving.
With the right tools, you won’t have a problem luring out and trapping bed bugs. These traps with the utilization of Atlanta, GA pest control professionals and you won’t have a problem eliminating your bed bug infestation.
Why Hire Us!
Our exterminators are trained in pesticide safety and EPA regulations. We believe heeding the manufacturer’s recommendations, not treating occupied homes with chemical pesticides, and educating clients are necessities for pesticide safety. Our Atlanta-based extermination team has extended work schedules to bring local businesses and residents high-quality pest control. We have joined forces with Georgia’s top manufacturers that have gone through the proper channels to obtain EPA approval for their pesticides.