Any homeowner in this century does not need anyone telling them that their home is the biggest and most expensive investment they’ll ever make in their lives. It’s also one of the most important and that’s why any homeowner will want to ensure they are protecting that to the fullest of their abilities. One such way to do that nowadays is with bed bug mattress covers, the right bed bug mattress covers, of course, but which are those?
Understanding Bed Bug Mattress Covers
Are you currently sleeping without a bed bug mattress cover? If so, you might as well go ahead and leave your front door unlocked. Heck, just leave it wide open while you sleep because that is virtually what you are doing by not4 utilizing a proper bed bug mattress cover. The right mattress cover will not only kill bed bugs that have already invaded your sleep space, but it’ll deter future intruders. Given that the mattress is a bed bug’s favorite hiding spot, you’ll want to take full advantage of such products.
90 percent of bed bug infestation occur right in the bed bug, with bed bugs taking up residence in the mattress. The right bed bug cover can prevent future infestation within that mattress and eradicate the existing infestation. Whether they are hiding right on the surface or deep down in the mattress, the right topper will do both of these things and much more. What more do you need to know about these protectors, toppers, covers, or whatever you want to call them?
What Exactly Is A Bed Bug Mattress Protector
To start, a bed bug mattress cover is a product that’ll go by many names. You’ll hear it referred to as a topper, a protector, a cover, along with many other names. Regardless of the situation, these names are all referring to the same product, which is nothing more than a big sandwich bag. That’s right, think of a bed bug mattress topper as a big Ziploc bag or garbage bag with zippers and treads. Each appropriate protector should contain a zipper that is capable of locking in bugs as well as particles. Once locked inside, these critters will have no way to escape and feed on their hosts.
They’ll eventually starve out and die because they will also not be able to escape the encasement. They will be trapped inside their own personal little prison with no escape. According to recent studies conducted at the University of Minnesota, bed bugs can begin to die out as early as two weeks when trapped inside one of these products. In addition to this, these products will also be preventing new infestations at the same time. They’ll stop new bed bugs from coming along and penetrating your mattress. Killing two birds with one stone is a saying that comes to mind.
Choosing The Right Bed Bug Encasement
Throughout this article, you have heard it refer to choosing the right mattress cover. While the bed bug mattress cover goes by many different names, it also comes in many different styles and designs, manufactured by various manufacturers. You can already likely see the conundrum building here. This is why it is imperative to know exactly what questions to ask when choosing a topper, encasement, or protector for your home.
Does It Properly Seal?
The very first question that you must ask is, does the mattress cover properly seal? If it does not seal the product is virtually useless. The whole theory and premise of these products are to trap bugs inside while also preventing new ones from penetrating your mattress. If the encasement doesn’t properly seal them it will not be able to perform its required task. Bed bugs are extremely small, resilient, and more capable than imaginable. They can and will squeeze their bodies into some of the tightest and smallest spaces. A good mattress topper will seal completely, blocking out all outside threats.
Was It Tested?
A mattress cover might look good on paper, but that doesn’t mean anything if it hasn’t been tested in the field. Things get a lot different and harrier once you are out there in real situations. Just because something works well in a lab or controlled environment, it doesn’t mean it’ll work in unpredictable situations. This is why the best mattress covers have been tested over and over again in real-world settings.
Does It Contain Toxins?
Chemicals and toxins have been two of the most effective deterrents of bed bugs since their discovery. While they might be effective, it doesn’t mean they are always safe. Because such toxins and chemicals have been proven to be so effective, some topper manufacturers will incorporate these chemicals into their cover designs. This is not something that you’ll want because you have to remember that you are sleeping on this product. Inhaling lungs full of potentially lethal chemicals for six to eight hours a night while you sleep isn’t going to do anyone any good. Make sure that your products are constructed completely of chemical and toxin-free substances.
Do Bed Bug Mattress Covers Really Work?
With just a little bit of time and research, it won’t take you long to discover that bed bug mattress toppers come with a variety of mixed reviews. This has to do with the fact that there are so many products available and so many different users. There is no denying that bed bug encasements can be helpful, but if they are faulty in the slightest bit, they aren’t going to work as intended. Not only this, but if they aren’t properly installed, they aren’t going to be effective.
This is why it is highly recommended to turn to a professional when seeking mattress covers. Bed bug professionals will not only be able to help you choose the most effective products, but they’ll help you install them properly so that they work in the most effective manner possible. Purchasing a mattress cover is one of the best ways to safeguard your home against bed bugs, but they won’t eliminate the risk of all bed bug outbreaks. Using such items to eliminate the risks of an attack in the bedroom and identifying bed bugs is always a win-win. However, if you are looking for a whole-home solution for your infestation, you might want to turn to a highly trained professional with previous bed bug experience.
Why Hire Us!
Our licensed exterminators are fully trained in pesticide safety and EPA regulations. Our goal is to protect our clients and their family and pets from harmful chemical pesticide exposure, which is 100 percent avoidable. We never treat occupied homes and always heed the manufacturer’s recommendations.